Discusses how people, politics, the Web, and Social Networks interact with each other. Some entries are also personal opinions and throughts.
Published on August 23, 2006 By acohen843 In US Domestic
One of my favorite political websites is OpenSecrets (www.opensecrets.org). It lists the political donors, who's giving the money, and where it is going. For example the top 3 donors are:

1. American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees
2. AT & T
3. National Association of Realtors

Enter your zip code and you can see who the big donors in your town or city are, how much they gave, and to whom they gave.

This site provides a lot of other useful and interesting financial information.


on Aug 24, 2006
heh. i just found out the guy who lives in the other building on this lot isn't merely the manager--but apparently owns--one of the more upscale local venues. he also seems to have contributed a couple hundred bucks to the rnc earlier this year.

best of all, they listed two people in my zip code who appear to have fairly unique names (which will make them easier to locate i hope) and make regular contributions to lyndon larouche.

with that in mind, if i can't come up with an effective direct mail solicitation targeted at just two individuals, i don't deserve a dime more of their money than does larouche.